Posts tagged Horizon Project
Watch Now: Behind the Horizon Project - Live Chat

DEBUT’s founder soprano Lizzie Holmes and mezzo-soprano Joanna Harries chat about how it was co-producing DEBUT's largest project to date! - our first project specifically for film! From putting the project together in just three weeks and on a shoe-string budget, to juggling both producer and performer hats simultaneously, to our musical highlights and the the challenges (and bonuses!) of a live performance specifically for film!

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Help Support The DEBUT/Horizon Project

“Jo and I put this project together in just three weeks (a fraction of the time we’d usually take to plan any normal DEBUT project), but we needed to. We couldn’t do another lockdown with nothing to work on, to inspire us and to bring together our fellow musicians.

We have managed to put the project together on an incredibly tight shoe-string budget but there are still costs involved, so if you are able to help our project, which brought together 16 musicians and creatives, we would be immensely grateful.”

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